The Big Benefits of Fluoride Treatments

The Big Benefits of Fluoride Treatments | Carolina Dental Arts

Fluoride Can Improve Your Dental Health

Fluoride has been known in the dental community as an effective natural mineral that helps build strong teeth while preventing cavities. It has been around for decades as an important dental treatment. This essential mineral protects tooth enamel and combats the bacteria that can invade teeth and gums.

Patients who are particularly at high risk of having dental caries do very well with  treatments. Let’s explore what you should know about fluoride treatments and what you can expect from this effective method for maintaining good oral health.

The Big Benefits of Fluoride Treatments | Carolina Dental ArtsWhat is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is part of your bones and teeth. It can also be found in soil, plants, rocks, water, and air. It is a mineral that is frequently used in dentistry to keep tooth enamel strong. Enamel is the outer layer that covers the teeth and protects them. The compounds  prevent the buildup of bacteria, which can lead to dental cavities.

Another frequent use of fluoride is to supplement the public water supply in the U.S. and many countries around the world. It is a practice called water fluoridation. You may also find it in various enriched foods, toothpaste, and other products.

How Does Fluoride Work?

Each day, the enamel of your teeth goes through a gain and loss of minerals. Your enamel is depleted in acidic conditions caused by bacteria that build up as plaque from leftover sugars in your mouth. Foods break down to sugars, which means that all types of foods have the potential for plaque buildup. When enamel gets depleted and loses minerals, it goes through a process called demineralization.

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Teeth gain minerals as you replenish them by eating foods and substances rich in phosphate, calcium, and fluoride. It is a process called remineralization and it keeps your bones and teeth strong. If you don’t gain enough minerals, teeth start to become weak and are prone to tooth decay. You must keep balanced nutritional habits to make your enamel more resistant to acidic conditions and help reverse tooth decay.

Signs That You May Need Treatments

Although you may be consuming fluoride from water and food sources, sometimes it may be necessary to supplement it to improve your oral health. Your dentist will perform a complete assessment of your teeth and gums to determine your dental status and see if you can benefit from treatments.

You may be a good candidate for  treatments if you relate to the following:

  • Teeth have fissures or deep pits
  • Sensitivity to certain temperatures or foods
  • Exposed roots of teeth
  • You practice fair or poor oral hygiene
  • Your diet is high in processed or sugary foods
  • Your nutrition lacks enough minerals
  • Low saliva flow (common in certain medical conditions)
  • Have experienced dental decay recently
  • You have bridges or dental crowns

Most people experience one or more of the conditions mentioned above throughout their lives. Your dental health may be greatly improved by practicing new habits, visiting the dentist regularly, and consuming the right amount of minerals as part of a healthy diet.

Types of Treatments

The American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes fluoride as an effective and safe treatment for the prevention of tooth decay in both adults and children. Once your dentist determines that you are a good candidate for fluoride treatments, you may receive a prescription for topical or systemic applications.

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Topical Fluoride Treatments

The CDC regards water fluoridation as one of the most beneficial public health achievements of our modern times. Professional topical fluoride applications can be achieved with the use of mouth rinses, toothpaste, gels, and other products that have a high concentration of this mineral.

These topical treatments leave a layer of minerals on the surface of the teeth. The fluoride in topical applications is released as the pH in your mouth decreases in acidic environments. It is delivered to your tooth enamel to help strengthen it and make your teeth more resistant to acid.

Systemic Fluoride Treatments

The mode of action of systemic fluoride treatments is quite different than the topical application. Systemically, fluoride helps fully grown teeth stay strong as well as teeth that are still developing under the gums. When your dentist determines that your fluoride consumption may be deficient, you may receive a prescription for supplements in the form of gels, tablets, or drops.

As with all substances including food and water, proper amounts must be consumed for a healthy balance. Anything can be potentially toxic if over-consumed, which is why it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions.

Start Fluoride Treatments With Carolina Dental Arts

At Carolina Dental Arts in Raleigh, our dentists will teach you about the importance of a healthy mineral balance and how you can achieve it with treatments. We understand the importance of educating our patients and providing various options to achieve the best oral health.

Our dental offices provide both topical and systemic treatments to supplement your oral health. We also spend time educating our patients about other methods they can practice at home to keep their teeth and gums at their best. Our region of service covers Raleigh, New Bern Ave, Goldsboro, Durham, and surrounding areas.

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Call Carolina Dental Arts today to learn more about fluoride and schedule a consultation!

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